Jiangyin Galaxy Knitting Co. Ltd
Holding over 25 Years of Experience
Jiangyin Galaxy Knitting was established in 1987 and specializes in producing velvet and velvet upholstery fabrics. Our production is now involved with weaving, dyeing and garment processing with imported advanced equipment and technology.

To fulfill volume orders, we can turn out 2,500 metric tons monthly, including white velvet, colored strip velvet, printed velvet, jacquard velvet, towel and jacquard towel fabrics.

The Features of Our Products
The jacquard velvet developed by us has adopted the most advanced technology of international knitting industry, which is widely used for interior decorations and as seats for cars, airplanes and ships. All of our products have lively colors, clear and vivid designs as well as particular and original styles.

Inquire Today
For more information, contact us today.